Senior Pastor
B.S., B.A., North Carolina State University (1997)
M.Div, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (2003)
I was called to serve as Senior Pastor at Epiphany in January, 2014. Prior to this call as senior pastor, I served as the Associate Pastor at Epiphany for five years. Prior to that, I was the pastor of Emanuel’s Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh (Bellevue), PA. I am married to Melinda, and we have two daughters and a son. As Senior Pastor, I coordinate the staff and work with most areas of the congregation's ministry, including worship, finance, stewardship, and confirmation ministry. I have experience in youth and family ministry, specifically in the area of community service. I blog my sermons (and occasionally poetry) at In my spare time I like to be outside or in the kitchen, especially when my family joins me. I listen to a lot of U2 and bluegrass music. I like to bake bread and am an avid birder. If you'd like to go birding around Richmond sometime, let me know!