sunday morning worship
On Sunday mornings we gather for worship in the Sanctuary at 8:30 am and 11:00 am during the school year, and 8:30 am and 10:30 am from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. A service of Holy Communion is offered each Sunday. The "Style" of our worship would best be described as traditional/blended. We use a pipe organ, but we also feature a great deal of piano, percussion, brass, and other musical instruments.
When you arrive for worship you will be greeted by a church member, and will receive a bulletin of the service from an usher. From there you can find a place to sit in one of our pews, either downstairs or upstairs in the balcony. A pastor will greet the congregation with announcements about the life of the congregation, and then we will listen to the prelude to prepare ourselves for worship.
The bulletin will guide you through the worship service with notes about congregational responses, standing and sitting, singing hymns from Evangelical Lutheran Worship book, and participation at Holy Communion.
As the worship service ends, the pastor will send us out with the words: "Go in peace. Serve the Lord," to which we boldly respond, "Thanks be to God."