Acolyte & crucifer

Acolyte - Light the altar candles and collect offering plates from the ushers

Crucifer - Lead the processional and recessional. Refill the communion chalices and assist with baptisms as needed. 


For those interested in being an Acolyte or Crucifer, please contact Markus Groener

altar Care

A team of people who prepare the sanctuary for worship including communion set-up and clean-up. 

Leader - Vacant

For those interested in helping with Altar Care, please contact Linda Martin at the church office at 804-282-6066


Members greet guests and fellow members prior to our worship services.

ushers and Lay readers/Lay assistants

Ushers distribute bulletins and assist with seating as needed. Assist at communion. Tidy up the pews and hymnals following the worship service.

Lay Readers read lessons from the lectern during Sunday Worship.

Lay Assistants Read lessons (if desired) and distribute communion wine during Sunday Worship,