
Holy Baptism 

We believe baptism is the primary sacrament of God's Church. Lutherans believe that God works through baptism to claim us as his own people, to wash away our sins, to drown us to sin and death and to raise us up to new life. In baptism God is doing something great and powerful to us: God is joining us to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! 

Infants and Toddlers 

Baptism is the beginning of a new life in Christ. To prepare for your child's baptism, one of the pastors will meet with you. During these meetings we will discuss together what Lutheran Christians understand about Baptism and how you, as parents, plan to live out your baptismal promises. To help remember your child's Baptism, you will be given a special banner and candle to be kept in your home. You also will receive a monthly parent newsletter and music CD to provide faith formation for your child.

Baptism or Affirmation of Baptism for Adults 

What is this? This ministry is for adults who are new to the faith and are not baptized; adults who were baptized as children, but did not grow up in the church and now want to affirm their faith; and adults who were baptized and confirmed as children, but want the opportunity to explore and affirm their faith as an adult. 

What is the process? Adults will attend a series of offered learning opportunities to include: What Lutherans Believe, An Introduction to the Bible, participate in a Bible study, and A Study of Luther’s Small Catechism. Adults will be asked to participate in a ministry area of the congregation such as serving through CARITAS, serving as an usher or singing in a choir. These adults will be active participants in the worship life of the congregation. This process can be completed in one or two years. 

What happens when the process is finished? Depending on their needs and circumstances, adult candidates for baptism could be baptized during the Easter morning services. The other adults could affirm their baptism during services on Pentecost Sunday in May. 

Who do I talk to about starting this process? Please contact Pastor Martin to let him know of your interest in this learning opportunity.

holy communion

Holy Communion instruction for 4th Graders takes place on two Sunday mornings during Lent. First Holy Communion is usually celebrated on Maundy Thursday.

*** A preparatory class for 4th graders who wish to be admitted to Holy Communion will be held on three Sundays, in March/April, from 9:45-10:45 in the Christian Education Wing. The first communion of those persons who complete the instruction will be on Maundy Thursday when we commemorate the first communion as Jesus held his Last Supper with his disciples. Parents wanting their children to participate should contact the church office. Parents with younger children who wish to take the class must petition church council by the second Tuesday of the month in which classes begin.